Late instructions for GrafixStar and VMC installations 06th February 1996 ========================================================================= When installing GrafixStar Windows 3.1 drivers when VMC Controller hardware is attached to the Graphics card, the installation will automatically detect that VMC is available and allow you to install VMC Controller software at the same time. The drivers were designed to be installed from floppy diskettes. The drivers have been transferred to the CD and has all the relevant files for the installation. The only problem is that as soon as the GrafixStar drivers are installed, the installation for the VMC Controller software is initiated but the installation cannot determine where the location of the VMC files are, instead it defaults to the GrafixStar path. The installation can continue if you select the SKIP button. This will NOT install the VMC software and requires the VMC installation to be done later. Alternatively, you can enter the path of which the files are located when asked to, i.e. \VMC\WIN31\DISK1. Product Support